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Getting Started

This project can be tested using a Vagrant configuration provided in bridge-box. The configuration creates a ubuntu machine and install all the tools.


  1. Install Vagrant and Ansible

  2. Install Ansible community plugins.

    ansible-galaxy collection install community.general community.docker


  • Start the machine

    vagrant up
  • Turn off the machine

    vagrant halt
  • Resume the suspended machine

    vagrant resume
  • Destroy the setup

    vagrant destroy


vagrant ssh-config > vagrant-ssh-config.txt
ssh -F vagrant-ssh-config.txt bridge-box


MeeSign Setup

  • upon the server launch, MeeSign server should be already running
  • there are 2 folders present on the desktop meesign_client_*
  • to run MeeSign client applications, navigate to these directories and run the binary present in the folders. You can select the localhost server, or the server (works only from within the FI network)
  • to use multiple clients, you can simply replicate the directories (just make sure to delete the client state - the app directory)

Cryptoki Bridge Setup

  • using the start menu, search for bridge-controller and run it


Controller certificate is in ~/Desktop/meesign-server/keys/meesign-ca-cert.pem

  • the controller can be used to launch the interfaces


WebAuthn and U2F must be tested using the provided chrome browser

  • an icon will appear in the trace menu. To display the window, right-click on the icon and select Show
  • alternativelly, you can test the interfaces individually: softfido binary is located in /usr/bin/softfido, and cryptoki-bridge is located in /usr/lib/ Be sure to read the documentaion on how to use the interfaces.